
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Miss Gorgeous!!

Although there are many beautifull actresses in Bollywood, but I personally am a big fan of Kareena Kapoor.
Everyone has his own idol or someone whose fan he is, but I can say, I'm above all the great fans and I just don't Kareena Kapoor I LUV her.
And I'm sure after seeing these pics even you will start loving her. The following pics are from her forth coming movie Kambakkht Ishq, and I'm posting this for all my readers:

Saturday, May 23, 2009

How to connect to Internet through Reliance CDMA Nokia phones

Reliance provide an installation disk to make these settings, and the owner of the Reliance web world charge Rs. 500/- for the disk that includes an USB Data Cable. But who needs? All you need to do is:
1: Install your NOKIA phone to the PC.
2: After the drivers for your phone's modems are installed, go to control panel and open 'Phone & modem Options'. Select your country and enter the STD code.
3: Then select your modem(i.e your nokia phone) under modems tab & then go to properties.
4: Under 'Advanced' tab you'll find a textbox that asks for 'Extra Initialozation Commands:' here you need to type "at+crm=1;+cso=33" (without inverted commas)
You are done, now create a new connection through Network Connection wizard in Control Panel and browse the web.
Please note that these setting only works for nokia handsets. To connect through any other handset its specific 'Extra Initialization Commands' needs to be entered. Unfortunately, I just know for NOKIA. But I'm sure we'll crack this one out.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Cricket Crazyyyyyyyyy

Indians are also known for te craze they have for cricket. But this craze have been increased and still going on boosting after team India conqured the World T20 championship and moreover taken the shit out of almost all the leading World Cricket teams,i'm sorry for that but its a fact.
Looking to this craze BCCI(Bourd of Control of Cricket in India,probably the richest cricket board) decided to introduece its own cricket tournament and named it IPL-"Indian Premier League". Believe me,IPL has turned the life of the cricket players. IPL is of the T20 form so its comes up with Entertainment with the spice of cricket in less time. Bollywood stars cheering for the temas and few of them being the part of the team owners attracts more and more audience.
Alas! this time may be we won't be able to see our favourite bollywood celebrities in the IPL as it is going to cunduct in South Africa. The reason behind cunductane of IPL out of India is the general elections going to held between the IPL days. But no regrets, we are going to enjoy the IPL anyway.
I'm just waiting for 18th April,and by the way the 1st match starts at 2:00 pm IST and the 2nd at 8:00 pm IST. Ending with a note that there will be two matches everyday........Hurrrayyy!!! Double Fun.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Impresssing A Women

I say that women are attracted to men that are famous, rich, powerful for a REASON.

My opinion is that they believe on a genetically and socially programmed, unconscious level that these men are more intelligent, more fun, more interesting, more able to give them the lifestyle - and MOST IMPORTANTLY- give them the feelings that they want. In his book ''''Influence'''' Robert Cialdini talks about a psychological principle called the ''''Halo Effect.'''' In a nutshell, humans naturally assume that attractive and powerful people are smarter and more trustworthy than average people.

A woman desires a man that fits into her self image fantasies that have been forming since she was very young. And thanks to Disney these fantasies were imbedded even further than her genetic wiring ever intended.

Overall, the answer is to realize that rich, powerful, famous guys have the advantage at the beginning from their FAMILIARITY and ASSUMED, PROJECTED positive traits. But if you can learn to get a woman''''s attention and then give her the FEELINGS that she''''s always wanted, she''''ll treat you like you''''re famous, rich, and powerful as well.

A tall, handsome man, or a famous rich man ''''pushes a button'''' and triggers certain feelings inside of a woman. If you''''re not rich, famous, tall and/or super attractive, you have to learn to ''''install the button'''' so that when they see you, then have those feelings. The good news is that you can do this with most women, whereas you cannot with most men.

While women are interested in looks to some degree, they are MORE interested in how you make them feel. Even if you don''''t understand this, you have to believe it and start acting as though it''''s true. You must behave as if you confidently believe that you are the best thing for a woman, and that you are going to make her FEEL wonderful inside.

Women can pick up this particular belief, and they respond to it.

Ask yourself:

"How would I walk if I believed that I could make any woman feel great inside?

"How would I talk if I believed that I could make any woman feel great inside?"

"What would the expression be on my face if I believed that I could make any woman feel great inside?"

"How would I act differently if I were the kind of man that women dreamed about?"

Then start doing these things. When you''''re talking to a woman, imagine how good you''''re going to make her feel. Fake it till you make it. Just do it. Women will notice.

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Reality of Blogging for Money

So what is the reality of building up one’s blogging to a point where they can make a full time living blogging?

Here are five facts that I’d like to share about my own story to give a more realistic picture to those considering getting into blogging as a way to make a living.

1. It takes a concerted long term effort
I have been blogging for five years. The first year was not for money in any way (although I learned a lot about blogging in that year) and the next two I worked 2-3 jobs at a time (and was studying part time) while I built my blogging up from a hobby, to part time job to a full time venture (more on my story here).
I’m often asked things like - ‘I need to make $xxxx in the next few months - how would you do it with a new blog?’
The average age of blogs in the Technorati Top 100 was over 3 years when I last surveyed it - while the occasional blogger has a fast rise to frame they are the exception. Building a successful blog takes a long time (it takes time to build readership, to work out how to monetize it etc) so take a long term approach and pace yourself.

2. It takes luck
I won’t speak for other bloggers but in my case I was very fortunate on many fronts. I started blogging at a good time (it was a lot less crowded and competitive back then).
• I stumbled on making money from blogs quite accidentally
• I started my first money making blog on the spur of the moment and picked a topic (digital
• photography) without knowing what I was doing - but for the time it was right)
• I met the right people at the right time
• Bigger bloggers discovered me at opportune times
The lucky list could go on - but I was very lucky. Of course some people ‘make their own luck’ and to some extent I agree with this - there are ways to increase your chances of being lucky - but some of it is outside your hands. Sometimes the luck comes and sometimes it doesn’t.

3. It takes a lot of work
There’s been a lot of talk lately about how blogging less can mean more from your blog. While I agree with this - that doesn’t mean you can just come up with a few posts on a whim every few days and expect the traffic (and money) to come rolling in. Over the last 3 years I’ve consistently worked 40-60+ hour weeks on my blogging. At one point I was posting 20-30 posts per day (mainly news related posts back then). Most bloggers that make a full time living from blogging work corresponding hours on it.

4. Many don’t make much money blogging
I’ve often used the analogy of Professional sports people to highlight that in any ‘game’ there are many who play it - less who make a little money from the game, even less who are able to earn a living from it (just) and just a small group who make big money from it. The same is true for bloggers. I’ve run many polls here at ProBlogger on how much people are earning from the medium and on every single occasion they reveal that the vast majority of bloggers are making very little per month. While it is possible to make amazing money from blogging the sad reality is that most don’t make more than pocket money. Even some blogs who ‘deserve’ to make money blogging don’t.

5. It’s hard
One thing that I’ve found to be common with when I had small/new blogs and now having blogs that are doing reasonably well is that in both instances it can be really hard to keep them going. The pressure to keep coming up with fresh ideas, to respond to critique of others, to deal with jealousy when others do well and more can be difficult to deal with. On some levels it gets easier to deal with as your blog grows - but on other levels the demands that you face from a larger readership can at times be overwhelming. Most bloggers that I know (big and small) have at one point or another been close to giving up - I know I have.

Feeling Depressed?
I don’t want to put a downer on those of you wanting to take your blogs to a level where you could make good money from blogging - the fact is that it is possible and increasing number of people are making a part time or full time living from the medium - but I do think it’s important to have a realistic picture before getting into blogging for money.
While some bloggers do talk about blogging as a way to make quick money I’ve not had that experience myself. Perhaps others do get rich quick from blogging - but I’ve not met any successful bloggers who’ve told me that yet.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Making revenue from blog is as easy as spending it

A person always gets confused on attracting a huge traffic for his page. For this, the page is filled with advertises and banners and everything. You should always keep in mind that, only the content of your page is the key that attracts the traffic. And the presentation of your page acts as a silver spoon for the same.
If your page contains the right content you finish the first step towards success. Now its time to promote your page, you can do so by writing articles for different sites, indexing your page on yahoo, google and many others. Later, when your second job is over you have to take care that you update your page regularly to maintain the traffic attracted. Updating your page and staying in touch with your viewers/readers helps you to be friendly with them, which in return helps you to maintain your traffic.
Try doing this and fill your pockets.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

How Can one boost the traffic of his page??

Some tips for my reader friends who are trying their hand in earning through their blog or own web pages.

1. Find relevant blogs and comment on them.But don't spam.
2. Join your niche forums which allow you to put your links in your signature.
3. Socialise with other blogs in your niche.
4. Review a product or service in your niche.If your review is positive and good then the company may link back to you which would give you a boost in traffic as well as in serps.
5. Publish a press release of your blog or site in renowned press directories in that niche.
6. Submit your site/blog to free as well as paid directories to get quality and fast traffic.
7. Bookmark your site at one of the top social bookmarking sites.
8. Submit articles to top article directories.
9. When someone comments on your blog always give them a reply or thank them for giving their time to read your blog.
10.Answer questions on yahoo answers.
11.Join yahoo groups and spread the word out about your blog or site and see yourself raking in traffic.
12.Make as many links to your site as you can.
13.Give away a freebie product at your site or blog like an ebook or a software.
14.Buy reviews for your site on other popular sites in your niche.
15.Produce a good link bait post.
16.Optimize your site for search engines.
17.Guest post on popular sites.
18.Exchange links with other sites in your niche.
19.Buy a bunch of plr articles, change the title customize it and post it on your site.
Lot of good content=lots of good traffic.
20.Get the word out about your site on social community sites like myspace and orkut.
21.Become one of the top commentators on a blog with high audience and also which publishes its highest commentators.
22.Write killer headlines.
23.Purchase advertisements and not links on some popular blogs.
24.Use ppc to get quality traffic to your blog.
25.Don't disappear from your blog for a long time.
26.Focus on your niche not around it.
27.Constantly update your site or blog.
28.If you have a blog submit it to blog directories that you can find.
29.Don't copy the content of the a-listed blogs or sites.
30.Place classified ads on sites like ebay and sulekha.